Integrate LDAP sync in your enterprise applications with ease

Automate user provisioning and sync with Active Directory / LDAP in your own apps, with minimal code. Just point to your directory and let LDAP Connector do the heavy lifting. Receive the data in one simple JSON file, ready to be consumed.

Tailor-made features


Cut time and costs with done-for-you synchronization.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Save time and cut costs by using a solution made specifically for synchronizing LDAP directories.

Group Usage

Handle syncs of any complexity

Directory structures and items can be nested and difficult to map out accurately. Tested on over hundreds of corporate networks, LDAP Connector can sync directories of any complexity.

Group Setting

Point and consume

Install our agent, point to your directory, then specify the cloud storage (Amazon SQS, S3 and others) where you want the data to be stored. Get a JSON, XML or raw format file, ready for consumption.

Group Built

Intuitive user interface

Whether you’re working with one or multiple directories, our intuitive UI makes the whole process a breeze. In addition, you can create custom filtering rules and schedule syncs for specific hours.

Code Sample

Once LDAP Connector has synced the changes from the directory to your destination (Amazon SQS or S3), the data can be easily consumed as needed through your own integrations. Here is an example NodeJS program that parses LDAP change events (new entities, changed entities or deletions) from SQS:

Our 16 years of achievements

With our super powers we have reached this


Happy customers globally, 10% from Fortune 1000, 400 from the USA


Engineering and non-engineering software applications supported


Industries served


Minimum IT License cost savings annually

Ready to sync?

We offer new users a 6-month trial for LDAP Connector.
Have questions? Need a custom implementation?

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